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Monopolar RF Treatment
What is Juvederm? Juvederm is a non-surgical cosmetic treatment that injects gel-like fillers to the cheeks, lips, and around the mouth. Juvederm is a collection of hyaluronic acid-based dermal fillers that can add volume to different parts of the face, smooth smile lines, or plump the lips. The results are subtle and long-lasting. For more information, please refer to this link.…
BELLAFILL is a biostimulatory dermal filter that provides long last correction due to the combined action of polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) microspheres and the patient's own collagen. Features & Benefits Bellafill’s tiny, polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) microspheres are suspended within a base of smooth collagen gel. Once injected, the collagen gel immediately reduces the look of smile lines. Over time, your body uses…
What is RADIESSE? RADIESSE is dermal fillers that are used for smoothing moderate to severe facial wrinkles and folds, such as nasolabial folds (the creases that extend from the corner of your nose to the corner of your mouth). RADIESSE® is also used for correcting volume loss in the back of the hands. Contact Us

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NeoGen Plasma (氮離子治療) 什麼是氮離子治療? NeoGen是一種先進的皮膚再生療法,它採用獨特的氮等離子體技術為治療區域提供持續、可控的快速加熱,刺激深層組織中的膠原蛋白重塑,以再生和恢復年輕、健康的皮膚和支撐結構。治療效果持續,持續時間長,一年後可明顯改善。 與傳統的燒蝕技術不同,新生代治療能保護皮膚表層,不會在治療時造成皮膚汽化或炭化。通過控制能量針對特定區域,如熱損傷區(ZTD)和熱改性區(ZTM)層,在這些區域發生新生膠原和新生彈性,NeoGen以高度精確的方式提供等離子能量,控制脈衝,使組織均勻快速加熱,刺激顯著的生理反應,而不會在皮膚表面造成任何開放性傷口。與傳統的燒蝕激光治療相比,這種獨特的治療特徵使覆蓋在表皮上的表皮完好無損,並且在恢復期沒有不適感。 適用於: 改善肌膚年輕化 細紋和紋理 通過再生真皮膠原和彈性組織收緊皮膚 長期日曬導致膚色不均 痘痘疤痕 NeoGen Pictures JETT Plasma What is JETT plasma? JETT Plasma Lift uses the plasma technology via creating ions from electric currents, generating the plasma flow acts on the biological tissues to start the specific mechanism of reactions. The various treatment heads provide fine tuning and energy control to…
17 Procedures 17 Procedures 17 Procedures 17 Procedures 17 Procedures 17 Procedures 17 Procedures 17 Procedures
Cosmetic Dermatology
The Selphyl® System is designed for the safe and rapid preparation of Platelet-rich Fibrin Matrix (PRFM) from a small sample of blood at the patient point of care. Many PRP systems require operator skill, have varying results and have extensive contamination with red blood cells and white blood cells. Selphyl® removes virtually all contaminating cells and is independent of operator…