Laser Skin Resurfacing (Erbium Yag 2940nm) In todays society people are eating healthier and exercising more. They desire to remove fine lines and pigmented lesions that hinder their appearance. The Erbium Yag laser uses a less invasive approach for treating superficial wrinkles and sun damaged skin. An Erbium Yag laser procedure involves minimal downtime and delivers great results for mild…
Pigmentation - IPL and peelings The Spectrum i s IPL can be used for a myriad of different treatments including hair reduction, acne reduction and the removal of vascular and pigmented lesions. The Spectrum's IPL includes 4 broad band filters. Each filter provides non-coherent energy that targets specific chromophores. The treatments are non-ablative and gentle by nature. The Spectrum IPL…
Laser Skin Resurfacing - Sun Damage Skin (Erbium Yag 2940nm) In todays society people are eating healthier and exercising more. They desire to remove fine lines and pigmented lesions that hinder their appearance. The Erbium Yag laser uses a less invasive approach for treating superficial wrinkles and sun damaged skin. An Erbium Yag laser procedure involves minimal downtime and delivers…
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Procedures TC
Acne reduction - Intense Pulsed Light (IPO) The Spectrum i s IPL can be used for a myriad of different treatments including hair reduction, acne reduction and the removal of vascular and pigmented lesions. The Spectrum's IPL includes 4 broad band filters. Each filter provides non-coherent energy that targets specific chromophores. The treatments are non-ablative and gentle by nature. The Spectrum…
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皮膚化粧及護理 ADVATx 黃光雷射 肉毒杆菌 Botox Chemical Peel 果酸換膚 IPL 強脈沖激光 Kybella 溶脂針 激光脫毛 皮秒 (PICOCARE) Silhouette Instalift – 非手術臉部提升 PRP用於脫髮治療 NeoGen Plasma (氮離子治療) 填充劑
Inspira Dermatology Clinic提供廣泛的治療。 我們的專業團隊在解決您的各種皮膚病問題方面經驗豐富。 痤瘡(青春痘) 光化角化病 皮炎 脫髮 皮膚真菌感染 膿皰瘡 牛皮癬 玫瑰痤瘡 老人斑 帶狀皰疹 皮膚癌 鱗狀細胞癌 白癜風(皮膚色素紊亂) 疣 乾燥症 黑色素瘤
與 BCC 和 SCC 相比,惡性黑色素瘤是罕見的,但卻是所有皮膚癌中最致命的。 過度和累積的陽光照射,尤其是嚴重的曬傷是黑色素瘤最重要的可預防原因。 黑色素瘤可能突然出現或開始於或靠近皮膚中現有的痣或黑斑。 重要的是要自我觀察並了解痣在身體上的位置和外觀,以便及早發現變化。 任何變化的痣必須由皮膚科醫生檢查。 早期黑色素瘤可以在仍處於可治愈階段時被移除。
疣是表皮上乳頭狀瘤病毒感染的結果,感染使表皮變得非常厚和粗糙. 如果不治療,疣會擴散到鄰近皮膚或遠處. 根據患者的大小和年齡, 使用多種治療方式. 消除疣需要多次治療,通常每2-3周進行壹次,根據治療方式的不同,可能會出現明顯的復原時間或痛苦,大多數治療不會導致明顯疤痕.與我們預約以了解更多治療方案.